LDSPrepper Part 2 - Taste testing home made bread from the sun oven!


● Intro to “Tuesday Choose Day”; How to overcome “Analysis Paralysis,” and just get started on a project.

● Using SOLAR SUN OVENs and STOVENs for your baking needs in a camping or emergency environment

● What are Ancient Grains vs. GMO (Genetically Modified Organism), and pros and cons.

● Intro to STORING YOUR WHOLE GRAINS AND LEGUMES, and Why to avoid ● Oxygen absorbers when storing your whole grains

● Intro to sprouting your grains and seeds for healthy sprout salad

● Intro to commercially canned butter and how you’re able to home can your own butter for shelf-stable storage

● Setting up a tent for solar AC (Alternating current) to use bread mixers, fans, other electrical appliances, Etc.

● Setting up a play area for kids, and how kids have a lot of fun in nature and while camping.

● Intro to games and activities ideal for camping and outdoor settings

● Intro to the “Lending Closet” for non-electronic games and puzzles

● How to use an old Thermos as a mini thermal cooker, to cook whole-grain cereal, with just 5 minutes of fuel at night, and have it cooked & ready to eat by morning; a HUGE fuel-saving technique!

● What is IxE=K, and how it could save your life

● Intro to CERT ( what I like to call “Citizens Emergency Response Training”) first class on fire suppression story

● Tips on how to cut home-baked bread without leaving ragged edges

● Cool find of a versatile emergency shovel I found on closeout at Walmart that can be used to get your vehicle unstuck from snow or sand, dig out avalanche victims, or construct a survival shelter

● Survival tip on building quick emergency shelter to stay cool in the desert and stave off heat injuries like heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and dehydration.

Uncle Max